If you haven’t visited the Ontario Court of Appeal, it’s an absolute must for any history buff, aspiring lawyer, or just for the appreciation of the Architecture. It was built in the 1820-1830s. At one point in time it contained a troop barracks. It contains a surviving painting of Queen Victoria that was ordered destroyed. The Great Library will leave you in awe. Feel free to drop in during a case and listen to some of the provinces top barristers litigate as they gat bombarded with questions from the Bench. When I was a young lawyer, I always enjoyed watching other senior lawyers both for qualities I want and ones I prefer not to have. However, any lawyer will tell you will have to develop your own litigation style that will work for you. Finally, if you know a member of the law society, drop in for a top secret lunch that many don’t know about. The food is delicious and the setting is library like to say the least.